We’ve been fortunate to work with some brilliant people and some great organisations. Here’s a taster of some of the projects we’ve done with a few of them.

Positive Leadership
Energy Sector
Delivered as part of the Senior Leadership Team away day, this half-day facilitated plenary session covered the key concepts of positive leadership.
As well as introducing broad topics such as high performing teams and positive energy networks, the session provided the leaders with practical tools and techniques to take away such as appreciative questioning and active-constructive responding.
The At My Best® Strengths Cards were also used to engage participants in conversation around strengths-based approaches to management and development.
Want something similar? Take a look at these Out-of-the-box sessions:

Peak Performance
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Made available to a wide cross-section of staff, these half-day sessions introduced participants to a range of tools and techniques that facilitate peak performance. The interactive and engaging session looked at issues such as mindset, energy management and strengths-based approaches to development.
The main aim of the session was to help individuals to understand how they could better manage their own performance and to provide an environment in which they could learn and try out techniques to use after the session as part of their preparation for promotion.
“Very interesting, enjoyable and uplifting course!”
Freya G., Delegate
Want something similar? Take a look at these Out-of-the-box sessions:

Strengths Taster Session
We designed a one-hour taster session on using your strengths at work as part of the BBC’s ‘Leadership Playlist’ – one of their leadership development offerings for middle-senior leaders. We delivered our session 3-4 times a day at a series of events, reaching approximately 200 BBC leaders.
Following a quick interactive introduction to positive psychology and the rationale for taking a strengths-based approach to development and management, delegates dived straight into a practical exploration of strengths using our At My Best® cards.
A great thing about this workshop was that delegates got to take their strengths cards away with them, so they could go back and easily share learning and ideas with their teams.
Maintaining a fast-pace throughout, the session provided an engaging insight into how a shift in our focus can help us to manage ourselves and others very differently.
“Great session packed with information and practical demonstrations of the key messages in a short space of time.”
Tony T., Senior Manager, BBC
Want something similar? Take a look at these Out-of-the-box sessions:

Coaching Skills for Managers
Keen to develop a coaching culture amongst their managers, Barclaycard commissioned the design and delivery of these one-day sessions, which were rolled out across a number of UK and European offices.
The workshop covered both the theory and practice of coaching. It introduced participants to the GROW model and provided plenty of opportunity for individuals to practise their own coaching skills and receive feedback from their peers and our team of psychologists.
The main aim of the workshop was to help managers develop coaching skills that they could use in their day to day management of their teams. With this in mind, follow up sessions were offered to participants a couple of months after the initial workshops to discuss how they had applied their learning in practice and to further their development.
“Great fun and very useful!”
Britta S., Delegate
Want something similar? Take a look at this Out-of-the-box session:

Building Resilience
Local Government Ombudsman
Delivered to staff across the Ombudsman’s offices, this half-day workshop, based on some key principles of positive psychology, introduced individuals to ways they could build their resilience and support their own and others’ wellbeing.
It was a practical, interactive workshop which helped individuals to understand both how they could manage their stress in the moment and how they could build their resilience for the longer term. As all the individuals taking part worked closely together, we took both an individual and team perspective to the session – participants learnt techniques they could use by themselves, but we also introduced ways in which they could work together to support each other’s wellbeing.
Want something similar? Take a look at these Out-of-the-box sessions:

Strengths-based Teambuild
Energy Sector
An international energy company asked us to put together a fun, engaging and informative session for their company team day, with the objective of strengthening relationships within teams and across the whole UK business.
The 2 hour session, which was attended by approximately 90 people, focused on helping individuals and teams to better understand their strengths. After some input from our facilitators, introducing the psychology of strengths and the impact that strengths use has on productivity, effectiveness and wellbeing, the session became highly interactive.
With a number of exercises using the At My Best® Strengths Cards, each person was able to reflect on their own strengths and also hear what their colleagues most valued in them. The themes emerging at a team level were pulled together to create strengths portraits.
The whole session was a lot of fun and was highly effective at building quality connections between people. It was a real celebration of the strengths of the people in the business.
“The session was very informative, insightful and interactive and I would definitely recommend Work Positive’s professional services.”
Kristina Korlevska, Human Resources, Aramco
Want something similar? Ask us about our teambuilding solutions.